
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – Preview for S2E17: Samaritan Snare

Here’s the preview for next week’s show.  There’s something the preview isn’t telling you about the aliens in this episode.  Be prepared.

HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – S2E16: Q Who

Q’s back – even though he said he wouldn’t be.  And this is the FIRST time he claims he wants to join the crew (he’ll use that old trick again).  But Q’s not just here to mess with the crew… he has an introduction to make.  Jacob Rosdail from the “Filmcast Without A Cause” joins us to discuss all things Q, The Borg, and Sonya Gomez.

HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – S2E15: Pen Pals

The prime directive means that sometimes you let kids die, unless you can hear them beg for help on the radio.  Also, after you help the kid (and her whole planet) you have to make it right with ethically questionable surgery.  The Federation is messed up, man.

Paul and Jason talk over the episode TNG episode “Pen Pals” with guest host Dean, this week.

HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – S2E14: The Icarus Factor

The Worf stuff in this episode is really good – it should be the main focus.  It’s not.  BUT – we manage to have fun with an episode that doesn’t really know what to do with Riker and his Dad, but manages to expand the character of Worf considerably with only 10 minutes of screentime.  “Other Jason” guest hosts.

HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – Preview for S2E14: The Icarus Factor

Watch the Icarus Factor – because “anbo jyutsu” is American Gladiators in space.  We’ll discuss this episode next week!

HiFiSciFi Podcast
HiFiSciFi Podcast
HFSF – S2E13: Time Squared

This week Patrick joins us to talk about S2E13: The one where Picard needs more time. Basically, the crew plays Where’s Waldo with Q, but surprise: Q isn’t there! Picard gets a time transplant, Riker hosts a dinner party, and everything works out in the end.